Will Mega Speaks Blog Spot

Will Mega is an Educator, Historian, Broadcaster and the Executive Strategist of Octavius Strategies, LLC., a political consulting and issue advocacy firm based in Philadelphia, PA. Will, a proud Lincoln, PA. University HBCU graduate is one of the most recognized community organizers, political strategists, educators and motivational speakers in the country. Whether it be Reality TV, Film, Radio or political campaigns, his compassion for the disenfranchised has led him to be on the forefront of many African American social, political and youth-empowerment causes for over 25 years.

The Will Mega blog spot focuses on seeking the truth and highlighting the best and worst in hip-hop, history, religion, revolution, politics, relationships, and Reality TV. Will Mega provides insightful and uncompromisingly direct and honest journalism. His reports cover your favorite urban activists, artists, actors, athletes, cultural figures, politicians, and unusual suspects. If it's making sense or provoking thought anywhere on the globe, he investigates and provides unique insight, education, commentary and access from unique voices, critical thinkers and opinion makers you can appreciate.


Go to CONTACT at:  WillMegaTV.com


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